Video: DIY Toner Pads using Exfoliating Toner by Acne Specialists20171214113633

Video: DIY Toner Pads using Exfoliating Toner by Acne Specialists

Oakland Acne StaffDecember 14, 2017, , , , 0 comments
After hitting the gym or going on a hike, your skin is left with residual sweat and oil. That sweat and oil dries and becomes a barrier that blocks mo...
4 Ways Toners Help Skin & New Vitamin C Toner20170425080028

4 Ways Toners Help Skin & New Vitamin C Toner

Oakland Acne StaffApril 25, 2017, , 0 comments
Some people skip toner because they aren’t sure what it does. Or worse…They were (literally) burned in the past because they used the wrong tone...