5 Reasons Your Skin Stills Breaks Out20170727080016
5 Reasons Your Skin Stills Breaks Out
As we always say, consistency is key to for keeping your skin clear of acne. So, what do we mean by consistency? We mean that you’re: Consistent...
How to Maximize Your Acne Treatment Experience20170622161148
How to Maximize Your Acne Treatment Experience
To get the most out of your acne treatment (or facial), follow the steps in this timeline before and after your appointment. 1 week before… If y...
9 Beach Vacation Tips For Sensitive & Acne-Prone Skin20170525080015
9 Beach Vacation Tips For Sensitive & Acne-Prone Skin
Our client snapped us this picture from the beach in Oahu, Hawaii. Aloha! Before her trip, she asked us for tips for taking care of sensitive skin on...
Why Teenagers Get Bad Acne20170509080007
Why Teenagers Get Bad Acne
Clear skin is hard to achieve for acne-prone teenagers. There are many factors that contribute to this, with two being out of anyone’s control: Hormon...
Camping & Backpacking Skincare Tips for Acne-Prone Skin20170413080039
Camping & Backpacking Skincare Tips for Acne-Prone Skin
Spring and summer weather call for camping and backpacking trips. While you are fierce when facing the elements, your acne-prone skin is more delicate...
3 Tips For Your Spring Skincare Products & Routine20170330080000
3 Tips For Your Spring Skincare Products & Routine
The winter months can leave skin dry, sensitive, and full of dead layers. To relieve your skin of those dry winter layers, try using either the Mandel...
Birth Control Tips for Women with Acne-Prone Skin20170223080038
Birth Control Tips for Women with Acne-Prone Skin
Oakland Acne StaffFebruary 23, 2017acne prone skin, birth control, health, hormonal acne, women with acne-prone skin0 comments
Birth control pills, IUDs, implants, and shots are widely used by women today. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control is also often prescribed to...
Makeout Breakouts: How Kissing & Touching Skin Causes Acne20170214080056
Makeout Breakouts: How Kissing & Touching Skin Causes Acne
Are you in the honeymoon phase of a new relationship? After kissing your sweetheart, does more acne form around the sides of your nose?If so, you've g...
Top 5 Reasons For Recurring Acne Breakouts20170202080029
Top 5 Reasons For Recurring Acne Breakouts
Our Acne Specialists have amazing success with the most aggravated, acne-prone skin. When someone still has recurring pimples, we can usually pinpoint...
Winter Dry Skin: Does Change in Weather Cause Acne Breakouts?20161114080024
Winter Dry Skin: Does Change in Weather Cause Acne Breakouts?
Oakland Acne StaffNovember 14, 2016acne, acne prone skin, acne-safe products, dry skin, products, winter skincare0 comments
As fall turns to winter, people with acne-prone skin often see an increase in breakouts. Why is this?...